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Glamping Cabins, Pods and Bothies Dalbeattie Dumfries and Galloway Scotland

Greenhill Coarse & Trout Fishery

Please pre-book your fishery ticket. We are open all year from 8am

Onsite at Gorsebank is Greenhill Coarse and Trout Fishery.  Our pools offer: Fly fishing for rainbow, brown and tiger trout,  Bait fishing for rainbow trout - ideal for novices and beginners & Coarse fishing for carp and tench.

We are open all year from 8am - 7pm or 30mins before dusk during shorter days.

The fishery is located in a beautiful, peaceful valley on the edge of farmland and forest. 

Also nearby river fishing for Salmon & Trout and sea fishing.

EV charging available.

Our pools:

Quarry Pool - Fly Fishing only - 1 acre - All catch & release

Stocked with rainbow & brown trout 1lb - 5lb 3ft - 5ft deep. Hire tackle available.

Island Pool - Trout bait pool - 0.5 acres - All catch & despatch

Stocked with a rainbow trout to 3lbs. Great for the kids and beginners. Hire tackle available

Lily Pad Pool - Coarse - 1 acre, islands

Ideal for pole and waggler fishing, carp, tench, crucian, rudd, eels

Drennan tackle, pellets, ground bait, corn. Hire tackle available.


For more information see the dedicated fishery website, link below

Greenhill Fishery Pools at Gorsebank
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